Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Bloggers Making Noise

The Times Union posted their article on Jacksonville bloggers today, Bloggers in Duval Proclaim Their Role. We got a mention. Many others were more prominently featured and rightly so. They do manage to keep much more current than the RAP blog.

I do hope that I can do better in the future and I know I can with your help. Please help me keep you, the reader, and the rest of the world in touch with what is happening in the district. If you have any news or would like to have an event listed send me an email. I'll do my best to spread the word.

If you are visiting for the first time – thank you and welcome. Riverside Avondale Preservation is here to maintain a certain quality of life here in the district. We are deeply concerned with maintaining the historic integrity of our neighborhood as well as improving the quality of life for those who live and work and visit our beautiful neighborhood.

I encourage you to join us in our efforts by getting involved. You can do this in many ways – become a member, volunteer your time, join us for the events we bring to the district and patronize the many businesses in the district. Riverside Avondale boasts a wide variety of retail and professional businesses from the unique and eclectic shops in Five Points to the more conservative and upscale shopping district in Avondale to the wide variety of the many other areas such as Stockton Street, Park and King and the many businesses that dot the district.

We are currently working on a redesign of our website that will make joining and volunteering much easier. In the meantime, please call our office for more information. 904-389-2449.

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