Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Or Would You Rather See A Parking Lot?

We need your help to save this house and to preserve the integrity of our Historic District.

Channel 4's lead story on their 5:30 news yesterday (Tues 6/27) brings to light just one of the many battles in your district that RAP wages on an ongoing basis. This is one that needs your input and support.

Check out the story over at the Local Station and then these four facts for your consideration...
1. The Historic Preservation Commission on 5/24/06 unanimously denied Mr. Rubin's Certificate of Approrpiateness (COA-06-304) to relocate 1662 Stockton Street. He has since filed an appeal which will take this matter before City Council.

2. The house at 1662 Stockton Street is a contributing structure that was built in 1906 and is one of the few Dutch Colonial Revival houses in our Historic District. You can read more about the house on page 171 of Wayne Wood's book "Jacksonville's Architectural Heritage".

3. One of Mr. Rubin's companies, Trump Properties, Inc., purchased the building on 4/20/05. Trump Properties sold the building to Riverside Square, LLC on 5/19/06. Therefore, Mr. Rubin is no longer the legal owner the building and is only acting as the agent of Riverside Square.

4. Based on the site plans provided to RAP, they want to remove the building in order to put in a surface parking lot to support their proposed mixed-use project at the corner of Riverside and Stockton.

So contact Councilman Corrigan and the rest of the City Council and let them know how you feel about this situation. If you listen to what Mr. Rubin has to say, the only thing we, as residents of the district can do to preserve our heritage is pack it off to San Marco where the historic homes aren't protected and then enjoy the wonderful surface lots. That kind of thinking was probably what lead to the wonderful progress of Brooklyn and LaVilla.

We're sure you have some stories about this beautiful house. We'd love to hear them.

Note: The Planning Department Report dated 4/26/06 recommending denial in response to the COA Mr. Rubin filed, as well as the Appointment of Agent Letter and the State of Florida Division of Corporation's website showing that Mr. Rubin is not a partner or member of Riverside Square, LLC. are all now linked in the above article.


Riverside Avondale Preservation said...

Mr. Rubin is always welcome to state his case here. We would welcome it.

Riverside Avondale Preservation said...

I would have posted it earler but I am still trying to figure out how to make the best use of this technology.