Monday, December 15, 2008

Holiday Lights

If you haven't yet tackled your holiday lights, you only have a few more days before Luminaria! And if you need a little help "Manage My Home" has a few great holiday tips.

And if you haven't seen "Manage My Home" yet it is a great site that will help remind you to do those things around the house that we can overlook due to our busy schedules – things like changing batteries in your smoke detectors, changing the HVAC filter and cleaning your gutters, just to name a few. They also have a "Home Manager" where you can research and store product and appliance manuals, create a customized maintenance plan for your home and check the value of your home. Other great features are helpful "How-To" articles and a "Project Center". Take the pressure off! Go ahead and sign up. It's free!

And don't forget Luminaria is this Sunday! We have all your supplies available for sale at the RAP house this Saturday and Sunday starting at 1:30.

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