What are you planning to do to celebrate?
- Join RAP!
- Host a This Place Matters Open House to show off a historic building that has been recently restored or is in need of restoration.
- Organize a work project to clean up a historic town square, park or cemetery. Share your stories and pictures.
- Introduce yourself to that neighbor you have always wanted to meet.
- Conduct a walking tour through a historic district.
- Organize a block party, community picnic or period fashion show in a historic neighborhood or park. Take a group photo!
- Interview a local politician and ask them to pose with a This Place Matters sign in front of their favorite place.
- Bury a Time Capsule to be opened in 2059. Include places that you want to still be around for the community fifty years from now.
- Write a story for your RAP newsletter or this blog about living in the District or how you are celebrating Preservation Month.
- Conduct an oral history interview with longtime residents. If you videotape it, share it! It may be featured it on www.PreservationNation.org.
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