Friday, May 29, 2009

19 Studios… One Colorful Party!

Saturday, May 30, 10am–6pm and Sunday, May 31, noon–4pm

The Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville will be touring the studios of artists working in Downtown, San Marco, Riverside, Avondale and Ortega this Saturay and Sunday. Most of the stops are in Riverside and Avondale! Many of Jacksonville’s best known and emerging artists have been convinced to let you into their studios to let you see where they create their work. They are offering optional guided or self-guided tours. And once you have been inspired, there is a great after party and auction at our very own Bold City Brewery. If you haven't been to their brewery on Rosselle Street this is the perfect time to give it a try! Tickets can be purchased by calling MOCA at 366-6911 ext. 208 or stopping by R. Roberts Gallery.

So join MOCA for an inside view of the creative life.

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