Monday, July 17, 2006

Special ShAdCo Meeting

Next ShAdCo meeting will be a joint meeting with Sectors J, K, and L. Sheriff John Rutherford will be speaking on the rising murder rate and his new initiative "Operation Safe Streets." This will be on Tuesday, July 25 at 7:00 at FCCJ-Kent Campus.

Unfortunately, there probably won't be time to discuss local criminal activity at this meeting, but it sounds like it will be interesting.

At last month's meeting one of our neighbors reported that there was not much new news about Operation Showdown currently in force in the Riverside area. When asked of the progress being made, one of the officers responded that they really feel that crime has decreased in the Showdown area. He reported that when they do a typical "sweep" in the area, they often find several folks with outstanding warrants; however, they found no outstanding warrants last time they performed a sweep. This should cause concern, as this officer gave the impression that he felt Showdown could be
winding down. (Our neighbor was not sure if this was the official policy or his own personal opinion.) We know that there is still crime in the area that needs to be addressed.

PLEASE remember, call in all suspicious activity. The more calls made in our area, the more attention we get from the police. If there are still problematic activities going on in the Showdown area, the police need to know. The phone number is 630-0500 if it is not an emergency situation.

1 comment:

Riverside Avondale Preservation said...

A great big thank you to one of our members for the report. As Mr. Cordon reports, community policing is the best tool to make our neighborhood safer. So call the police if you see suspicious activity.

The number is 630-0500.