Monday, September 10, 2007

Trees Worth Saving

Trees clean our air and protect us and our houses from the blazing sun and strong winds. They soften the impact of rain and reduce the amount of run-off into our creeks and rivers. If the environmental impact alone isn't enough to protect our trees, consider this. Studies have shown that trees can contribute as much 15-20% of the value of a home or a building. A single tree on your property can add as much as $10,000 to the value of your home.

Some go to great lengths to protect a tree. Recently, CNN ran a story about the efforts a developer in Austin took to save a 100-year-old tree to make way for a new hotel. Have you seen some of those "new" developments out by 9A? Houses upon house and not a tree to be seen. Most of the District is populated by an abundance of trees offering shade for your homes and cool afternoon walks. If your little slice of heaven isn't, why don't you get outside and plant a tree… today!


Blasphemer said...

Yes, Buy all means plant a tree. But please plant something native to florida and better yet to the region of North Florida and not another damn Crepe Myrtle.

Chris LaBarbera said...

The best part about Avondale is the trees.