Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bike Sharrows on Riverside Avenue

<< SHARROW: shared lane pavement markings

You may have noticed these markings on Riverside Avenue from the Riverside Arts Market (under Fuller Warren Bridge) to Post Street. They are part of an ongoing effort by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to encourage bicycle safety.

Sharrows tell bicyclists where it is safe to ride and alert motorists where to expect bicycles. 
- They help position cyclists on narrow lanes, where bikes and cars cannot travel side-by-side safely.
- Guides bicyclists to a safe position next to parking lanes, outside the “Door Zone”.
- Alerts motorists to where bicycles may use the full lane, as Florida law allows.
- Encourage safe passing.

You may note these posters all over our neighborhood, informing the public on how to properly share the lane with a cyclist.  Please take a moment and review, for everyone's safety.

FOR MORE INFORMATION BikeJax wrote a wonderful post about sharrows with in-depth information, "New Lane Markings: The Down and Dirty Guide" and we thought we'd share. (Great job!) As they explain, a sharrow pretty much alerts drivers and cyclists to what already is stipulated under Florida Law.


Winston Smith said...

Anything to get these rabid 'bikers' off the sidewalks. Hello? Pedestrians have the right-of-way 24/7 on our sidewalks (Florida Statute). Just sayin'!

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