Monday, May 01, 2006

Downtown Action Committee hears JTA plan

The Daily Record reports that the Jacksonville Transportation Authority brought its plan for the future of transit to the Downtown Action Committee's meeting on Monday, April
24. They are recommending quite a few changes to existing routes with the addition of more to improve the service. Furthermore, the plan combines bus, Trolley and Skyway hubs with a relocated Greyhound bus station and the return of Amtrak rail service to Downtown. The plan also includes office space, retail space, public areas and restaurants plus an additional 2,200 parking spaces.

Council member Suzanne Jenkins, who chairs the DAC, said she is going to hold another town meeting in May to update the public on the committee's proceedings and suggestions. She has requested that the JTA determine the date and location of its public meeting before her next town meeting. Contact Council member Jenkins or the JTA for more information.

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