Monday, May 01, 2006

A Little News from ShAdCo

There have been some changes in the leadership in our zone
(Zone 4). Asst. Chief Richardson was transferred to "special events" and was replaced by Asst. Chief Hackney. Also, 2 lieutenants were transferred. Those in attendance had the opportunity to meet Asst. Chief Hackney and the 2 new lieutenants, as well as the Chief overseeing Zone 4.

For those of you not familiar with the Sheriff’s Advisory Council (ShAdCo), each month, a report is given to the attendees that generally includes recent arrests and what has been keeping the officers busy over the past month as well as updates on the concerns brought to their attention by citizens in previous months. There is some general discussion with more questions and concerns reserved for individual discussion, one-on-one with the officer's after the meeting.

Some of the problems that they are addressing in the district are the begging problem in the Riverside Publix parking lot, the homeless issue in both Riverside and Memorial Parks and criminal activity in specific residences. This month officers were able contact each of the store owners/managers in the Publix/Starbucks shopping center. They agreed to sign general trespassing complaints. So, if someone is caught begging in the parking they are issued a warning and asked to move along. If they are found panhandling there again they will be charged with trespassing – a misdemeanor. Since implementing this plan, the officer in charge has talked to many of the patrons of those stores and the instances of begging has gone down. The JSO asks that you call the non-emergency # (630-0500) if you see any more of this activity in the parking lot.

Don't forget to call 911 or the non-emergency number (630-0500) if you see any problematic activity. The more calls we make the more police attention our area gets.

ShAdCo meets on the last Tuesday of every month at the Cedar Hills Shopping Center. The address is 3726 Blanding Blvd. The meetings start promptly at 7:00 pm and last one hour. Call the Zone 4 Substation at 573-3165 if you have any questions.

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