Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tree Planting Event to Kick-Off re:solve Marketing Grant

Join RAP's Green Team and Brunet Garcia advertising as we kick-off the re:solve marketing grant with a tree planting this Saturday at Boone Park, from 9:00 am - noon.  We will plant 59 trees, including native trees such as: Fringe Trees, Dogwoods, Bald Cypress, and Riverbirch Trees.  We will also plant Crape Myrtles.

Volunteers Needed!
To volunteer, contact our Green Team Chair, Sally Robson at (or just show up at Boone Park with your shorts, hat, sunscreen, and sunny disposition!)

re:solve is a one-year grant from Brunet-Garcia advertising for pro-bono marketing and advertising services.  This year, Riverside Avondale Preservation is honored to have been selected as one of the local non-profit organizations to receive the grant from this prestigious firm.


Unknown said...

Crape Myrtle's are not native. That being said, they are in my opinion way over planted.

How about a nice flowering tree that is native. Eastern Redbud

Laura Lavernia, RAP Preservation and Education said...

You are right, but the plant seems to have adapted to FL conditions. All the others are native. Thanks for the correction!

KermitB said...

They may not be "native" in the sense that they are originally from the area, but they certainly are "so Jacksonville" to me. I love that you see so many here. They may be Asian in birth, but they are as southern as you get and definitely remind me of home. (Fingers crossed for the deep purple kind!)

KermitB said...

They may not be "native" in the sense that they are originally from the area, but they certainly are "so Jacksonville" to me. I love that you see so many here. They may be Asian in birth, but they are as southern as you get and definitely remind me of home. (Fingers crossed for the deep purple kind!)

KermitB said...

They may not be "native" in the sense that they are originally from the area, but they certainly are "so Jacksonville" to me. I love that you see so many here. They may be Asian in birth, but they are as southern as you get and definitely remind me of home. (Fingers crossed for the deep purple kind!)

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Laura Lavernia, RAP Preservation and Education said...

THANK YOU to all those volunteers who showed up this morning for the tree planting at Boone Park--what a great way to kick-off the re:solve grant program! The weather was perfect & we were done quickly with all the help!