One female cat can produce over 100
kittens throughout her lifetime. Simple math indicates an exponential, rapid population growth rate. In a prefect world, most of us would rather see these kittens go to loving homes as indoor pets. The reality is TNR programs help reduce unwanted feral cat colonies.
The TNR Program's impact:
· Stabilizes the feral cat population, eventually eliminating
the cat colony in a humane manner which fosters compassion.
· Is a more effective and less costly solution than repeated extermination. Costs for repeatedly trapping and killing
feral colonies are far higher than promoting stable, non-breeding colonies.
· Reduces the number of feral cats harming
wildlife and causing general nuisances.
RAP has chosen a pro-active approach in controlling unchecked growth of feral cat colonies in our neighborhood. Every cat spayed/neutered, is one more step towards that goal. Remember, spring is breeding season. Be pro-active and make a difference! All it takes is a phone call to Mary Coleman
at 483-7189.
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